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Open a Thai company

Posted by Asa Marsh on March 26, 2023

Opening a Thai company

Company ThaiOpening a business in Thailand is not so difficult. One main factor is that you need to have the right documents and that you know someone that speaks Thai. A Thai lawyer can help you with setting up a company.

One condition needs to be fulfilled: for every work permit that you have, you need to employ 4 Thai members. Unless you are married, then you only need 2 Thai members for your work permit.

Owning a Villa

When you want to buy a villa in Phuket, you will need to setup a Thai company. There are obvious some costs involved because you will need to hire Thai staff for your work permit and to keep your business running. We help you during the whole process of setting up a company and buying your villa. We have business plans ready for you: Easy Living Phuket has it all: from opening a restaurant to a retail shop.

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