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Phuket Demographics

Posted by Asa Marsh on March 25, 2023

Our third video is about demographics in Phuket, Thailand. It is important to know how Phuket evolves and which countries are visiting Phuket. With millions of tourists visiting paradise you can be sure that your property can and will be rented out if you decide to go for a guaranteed rental yearly income.

Demographics: changes in markets

Demographics PhuketThe following phenomenon happens in all the countries: when one market collaps, another market will open. This counts for Phuket as well. We had a Japanese era, followed by a Korean one, and then we have the Chinese, European, Indian and Australian market. The market trends are always going to change and the nationality of visitors isn’t the only thing that is changing.

Everyone travels nowadays

In the past, travelling was only for the rich people. But now everyone can travel and at a reasonable price. We spoke with miss Anchana Choolaxsanadecha, director of Utopia, and asked her about the clientele visiting the luxury hotels in Phuket. A lot of middle class clients, good quality of family and honeymooners come to Phuket to enjoy their holidays. Check out our properties in Phuket where those families are staying and maybe you’ll find a great investment for yourself.

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